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Table Tennis League

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The club will be called Yeovil Table Tennis Club and will be affiliated to Table Tennis England
The aims and objectives of the club will be:
To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Table Tennis.
To promote the club within the local community and Table Tennis.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
To ensure all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment. Membership should consist of officers and members of the club. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted.
Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories:
Full member.
Associate member.
Junior member.
Life member.
Membership fees will be set annually and determined at the Annual General Meeting.
Fees will be paid annually.
The officers of the club will be:
Vice Chair.
Honorary Secretary.
Any other relevant position.
Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
All officers will retire each year but will be eligible for reappointment.
The club will be managed through the Management Committee consisting of:
Vice Chair.
Only these posts will have the right to vote at meetings of the Management Committee.
The Management Committee meetings will be convened by the Secretary of the club
and held as necessary.
The quorum required for business to be agreed at Management or General Committee meetings
will be 3.
The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of
practice and rules that affect the organisation of the club.
The Management Committee will have powers to appoint subcommittees as
necessary and appoint advisers to the Management Committee as necessary to fulfil
its business.
The Management Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of
members who infringe the club rules/regulations/constitution. The Management
Committee will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline
following such hearings.
The Club will be a not for profit organisation.
All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.
The financial year of the club will end on 30th April.
An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer plus one other officer.
Notice of Annual General Meetings (AGM) will be given by the Club Secretary. Not less than 14 clear days notice to be given to all members.
The AGM will receive a report from officers of the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts.
Nominations for officers of the Management Committee will be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM.
Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM.
All members have the right to vote at the AGM.
The quorum for AGMs will be 25% of the membership and a minimum of three members, whichever is greater.
The Management Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) outside the AGM.
Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.
All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club’s child protection policy and procedures. The club chairman is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child protection concerns.
All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary.
The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 14 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.
A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership.
In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of Yeovil and District Table Tennis Association
Updated 24/01/2016
Child Protection Policy
Yeovil Table Tennis Club
The aim of this policy is to promote good practice by ensuring that all Table Tennis England members:
Are fully aware of their responsibilities with regard to child protection.
Safeguard and promote the interests and well being of young people with whom they are working.
Respond appropriately to concerns.
Take all reasonable and practical steps to protect young people from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment.
Respect and promote young people’s rights, wishes and feelings.
Make informed and confident responses to child protection issues.
Table Tennis England Child Protection Policy and Guidelines will:
Offer safeguards to young people, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers.
Help to maintain high standards of professionalism and practice at all levels of the sport.
Implementation procedures that demonstrate a commitment to:
The provision of support, appropriate training (and updating) and adequate supervision of coaches, staff and members to enable them to work together with parents, coaches and other organisations to ensure that the welfare and needs of children and young people remain paramount.
Table Tennis England believes in and seeks to uphold the following principles:
The child’s welfare is paramount.
All children and young people whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse.
Staff, officials and volunteers are not trained to decide whether abuse has occurred but are vested with the responsibility for ensuring that they act upon any concerns or allegations in relation to children/young people.
That processes for dealing with complaints are fair and open to challenge through an appeals process.
Require staff and volunteers to adopt and abide by Table Tennis England’s Child Protection Policy and Guidelines, which incorporate Table Tennis England’s Codes of Conduct.
The club has adopted the Table Tennis England Child Protection Policy and Guidelines. A copy of the guidelines is available for members to read on the club website.